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Oklahoma City Car Insurance

 Oklahoma City car insurance rates are what we all want before we decide to make a purchase, right? Well, did you know that car insurance in Oklahoma City can vary greatly in price and coverage? If you are looking for your best deal, it is important to know what you can expect from an Oklahoma City car insurance company. There are three main types of drivers that typically seek coverage and each type of coverage comes with its own benefits and requirements. Finding the category you fit into and understanding how to save money on your OKC auto insurance policy will help you find a good deal on this valuable protection.

Oklahoma City Car Insurance for New Drivers and Teens

As a new driver, receiving your driver’s license for the first time is exciting, but it is also expensive. However, the state of Oklahoma offers residents of Oklahoma City, or any other city within the state, a way to decrease car insurance costs. It is through Oklahoma Driver’s Education.

Driver’s education is required to obtain your permit. You can take a driver’s education course at a local community center or at a police department or sheriff’s office. It is fairly easy to find a course offered several times through out the year within the community. You can also take a professional driver’s education course. There are several offered by companies that operate within Oklahoma City.

For teen drivers, driver’s education courses are offered at most Oklahoma City public schools. Teens will receive school credit as well as meet the requirements to receive a learner’s permit. Anyone aged 15 or older who completes a driver’s education course can receive a learner’s permit. If taking the course at school does not work for your teen, or if there is not one offered at the school, Oklahoma law offers an alternative.

In 2001, Oklahoma passed the Parent Taught Driver Education law. This is a correspondence course that is available through Parent Taught Driver Education Providers within Oklahoma City and throughout the state. These courses must be purchased, but they are done at home with parental supervision. Parents teach the lessons, give the student the tests, and complete the training. The materials are then returned to the approved provider for processing.

The student must complete 30 hours of written training and 55 hours behind the wheel training. Parents can have the assurance that their child is being taught the proper techniques to make them a good driver. Parents can purchase the curriculum online through Virtual Drive of Oklahoma or Drivers Ed in a Box.

Once you complete a driver’s education course, most car insurance companies will give you a discount on your insurance. They realize that someone with over 80 hours of training will typically be a safer driver. This applies to both new adult drivers and new teen drivers. Insurance rates will still be higher than experienced drivers, but every discount helps.

Oklahoma City Car Insurance for Experienced Drivers

Oklahoma car insurance rates average about $300 higher than the national average. For Oklahoma City, this average goes up by $30 so it is important to do what you can to lower your Oklahoma City auto insurance costs. The reason rates are slightly higher in Oklahoma City is because of car theft. There are over 4,500 vehicles stolen in Oklahoma City each year. Because of this, insurance companies consider residents at higher risk.

You can lower your monthly premium by having safety devices or anti-theft devices on your vehicle. Many newer vehicles come with these devices such as key alarms, codes to unlock doors, and alarms within the vehicle. If your vehicle does not, you can add one or purchase a device such as a steering wheel lock. Installing these devices is well worth what you will save on your auto insurance.

If you are an experienced driver with a clean driving record and you have an anti-theft device on your vehicle you can lower your premium by as much as 10%. In addition to this, if you drive less than 20.8 miles to work you will receive a cheaper rate. The average Oklahoma City resident drives 20.8 miles to work. Anyone who drives less is considered less at risk.

Oklahoma City High Risk Car Insurance

If you have a driving record that is not clean because of a DUI, DWI, multiple violations, or past accidents when you were not insured, it can be difficult to find an Oklahoma City car insurance policy. However, Oklahoma City residents can find insurance through the Oklahoma Automobile Insurance Plan. This is a state regulated plan for those who are at risk drivers, but still need insurance.

It is not offered through the state; instead, the state uses local and national insurance agencies to provide coverage for at risk drivers. Any company that is licensed with the state can offer this type of coverage. If you are an at risk driver in Oklahoma City, ask insurance companies if they offer this coverage or check the website.

Compare Oklahoma City Car Insurance Quotes!

If you aren’t sure what company is right for you, you can compare quotes using a rate quote tool like the Oklahoma City car insurance quote finder at the top of this page. You will be able to see rates and quotes from top companies so you can decide which Oklahoma City car insurance plan is right for you. No matter what your specific coverage needs are, there is auto insurance for you. Enter your zip above to get started comparing the best Oklahoma City car insurance quotes online!

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